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Adventure Days 2023

February 27th, 2023

Another fantastic Adventure Days is on the books for our middle school students! Adventure Days, an annual celebration of creativity, planning, and trial-and-error, is a dedicated two days for middle schoolers to try something new. To dig into a passion, learn a new skill, and work towards a sense of accomplishment are deeply embedded into Evergreen's mission and values. For Adventure Days, students spend several weeks brainstorming, planning, and gathering materials, and then they have two days to build and create. 
Projects always range widely, and this year's included wood carving, writing a six-chapter story, making a baseball, learning to crochet, building a fountains (one student used wood, another foam and stucco), making a film, making scented candles, making mandala art, coding a choose-your-own-adventure game using Python, and building a butter sculpture of the Colosseum—just to mention a few!  

In Their Own Words: Takeaways from Adventure Days
  • " Proportions are difficult to get right!"
  • "I learned why they have machines to make baseballs because it is really hard to make one."
  • "I learned how to use PVC, zip ties, planning, and how to cope with failure."
  • "I learned that structural integrity is more important than it looks."