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Adventure Days 2022!

February 17th, 2022

We are excited this year to get back to Adventure Days, a middle school tradition of creation and exploration! After missing last year due to the pandemic, Adventure Days is back in person today and tomorrow at Evergreen.
Weeks before these final days of building and presentation, middle schoolers start brainstorming and developing their proposals. They receive in-depth feedbackno proposal is perfect on the first try. Throughout the process, while helping them to keep in mind timeframe, materials, and other logistics, our teaching team's goal is to support students in designing a project where they push themselves to try something new, stretch their knowledge base, and/or develop and deepen a new skill. 
Today, the entire middle school, indoors and out, became a workshop, with spaces for woodworking, sewing, art, cooking, science and computer lab work. From painting in the Impressionist style, to building a programmable robot that will stop and change direction before hitting any obstacle, to dissecting a pig's heart and learning to bake vegan cupcakesjust to name a very few!the projects are wide-ranging and reflect many different student interests.