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Eighth Grade Capstone: Regional Experience Program

May 18th, 2021

This is an exciting time for 8th graders ... last week, they embarked on their capstone four-week Regional Experience Program! They're all finished with academic classes, and in the coming weeks, they'll be exploring all around the greater Seattle area. In small working groups, they'll spend dedicated time in different city neighborhoods, outdoors engaged in nature-focused pursuits like rock climbing or backpacking, working on collective service projects, and finally, wrapping up with a retreat week.

While Evergreen's signature capstone Global Studies Program is usually four weeks spent in a different country, that was of course not possible this year due to the pandemic.

But faculty and administrators have worked hard throughout this year to develop a program that maintains most of the core components of the program, while looking closer to home for field study.

With the exception of international travel, this year's 8th grade experience fulfills many of the program goals, among them:

  • Engage the students’ mind and heart in social justice
  • Develop a practice of self-reflection for deeper understanding of self and society
    Use “rite of passage” rituals to help students grow into and take on the responsibilities of the next phase of their life
  • Foster an attitude of gratitude and appreciation
  • Engage in productive service
  • Acceptance and appreciation of differences
  • Greater awareness of our responsibility as global citizens
  • Considering the relationship between privilege and responsibility

We are excited for and proud of our 8th graders, as their field study experience gets underway!